MPARTICLE `i`q2 a!H'a {' Welcome to the first issue of Amy 'PD and Shareware Review. I must first 'apologise to those people who replied &promptly to my first advertisements.'You will be receiving this about a 'week later than you should due to last &minute problems associated with&getting this magazine off the ground.'One major problem was discovered when 'I checked what this looks like on a 'television. What a mess! I have 'since changed the colours on the main 'text screens but some of the reviews 'may still look rather awful. Changing 'them would have taken too long and I'm 'sure you must be starting to wonder if 'you are going to get anything. Rest 'assured I care for your eyes and will 'be taking TV viewers into account as I write the reviews in the future.' I'll also be sending NZ stuff by 'FastPost though it doesn't say this in 'the order forms. Receiving replies 'via NZ mail has been fascinating. My 'first advertisement went into three 'newspapers and replies came in from 'one city at a time spread out over a &week. Most letters were not dated so"it may have been just coincidence.' This magazine is a response to my &frustration at trying to choose&software from public domain'catalogues. If you have seen any of 'the larger ones you will know what I 'mean. The descriptions have to be 'small as some libraries have many &thousands of disks and their'catalogues can fill two or three disks 'themselves. Hopefully as the issues 'mount up this magazine will become a &useful resource to those of you&hunting through the public domain.'The paper magazines do a good job of 'reviewing PD but they only scratch the 'surface and none that I know of has 'started up as an exclusively Amiga PD magazine.' Thanks must go first and foremost &to all the Amiga public domain,'freeware and shareware producers who &make this magazine a possibility.'Without you the Amiga world would be a &lot less colourful and much less&productive. Please take any&criticisms in the reviews as'constructive - they are all intended 'to be that way. This magazine is 'released as freeware as my way of 'saying thanks for the enjoyment I've 'received from the PD scene. Share and enjoy it.' But I would like lots and lots of 'subscriptions. I need some income to 'produce it and a growing list of &subscribers would be a great'encouragement. As it's freeware user &groups may like to subscribe and'spread it among their members and 'ditto for any other groups of Amiga users.& Thanks must also go to Mark'Gladding of Auckland, New Zealand for &Magnetic Pages, the amazingly'productive shareware software I use to 'produce this magazine. See the About menu for more details.' And while I'm on the job, thanks to 'Melissa who having passed her school C &English now qualifies as this'magazines proof reader. Could have 'done better in woodwork though. If &any readers can suggest what she'needs to help her improve in the 'latter subject I will happily pass on &the information. Thanks also to&Vincent for mowing my lawns even'though I was beginning to like the little yellow flowers.' There are not really enough reviews 'in this issue and yes, I know they're 'all too old. I was experimenting with 'different styles of presenting them 'and I went a bit over the top in the &graphics department on some of them.'As I get more used to using Magnetic 'Pages I hope to fit somewhere between "40 and 50 reviews into each issue.' I will be using music taken from PD 'music disks for the magazine. I hope 'no one objects to this. If they do please get in touch.' Best wishes to the publishers of 'NZAmiga Magazine for getting their 'first issue out. I believe this is &New Zealand's first paper Amiga'magazine so it's in all our interests 'for it to do well. See the review in this issue.' Once again apologies to those who 'have waited longer than they should 'have for this disk. At least it's not 'as long as I had to wait for my 1k 'ZX81 eleven or so years ago. The demand had caused a shortage!' That's it! Finally finished the 'thing and now I need some fresh air so I'm off to catch me a Moa. Carl Read - CyberCraft,& 9th February 1993. - 1:50 am! Rant: Page 1 of 3 Index Rant: Page 2 of 3 Index Rant: Page 3 of 3 Contents Index